11 June 2012

Exadata Storage srvers CellCli and dcli commands

-- Exadata Starage Servers
-- use root user to do the work
-- cell configuration files
cellinit.ora, cellip.ora
-- on database server
cellinit.ora - identifies the storage network interface on the database server
        cat /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellinit.ora
cellip.ora - identifies the Exadata cells that are accessible to the database server
        cat /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora
-- ASM view to check disk configuration
-- support & diagnostic utility
--  usefull commands
cellcli> list cell
cellcli> alter cell restart services all -- restarting RS, CELLSRV, and MS services
cellcli> alter cell {SHUTDOWN | RESTART | STARTUP } services {RS | MS | CELLSRV | ALL}
cellcli> create celldisk all harddisk {interleaving='normal_redundancy'}
cellcli> list celldisk
         CD_00_xdb1cel03         normal
         CD_01_xdb1cel03         normal
cellcli> create griddisk all prefix=data, size=300G
cellcli> list griddisk
         DATA_XDB1_CD_00_xdb1cel03       active
         DATA_XDB1_CD_01_xdb1cel03       active
-- to crate disk group on flash         
cellcli> drop flashcache
cellcli> create flashcache all size=100G
cellcli> create griddisk all flashdisk prefix=flash
-- to use all flash cache
cellcli> drop flashcache
cellcli> create flashlog all
cellcli> create flashcache all
-- /opt/oracle/cell/cellsrv/bin/dcli or /usr/local/bin/dcli
dcli -g cell_list date
dcli -c cell01,cell02,cell03 cellcli -e list cell
dcli -g cell_list -x cellclicommands.scl
dcli -g mydbservers -l root -x dbwork.sh
-- cell_list is a file with the list of cells
-- IORM  I/O Resource Manager
cellcli> list iormplan detail
         name:                   xdb1cel03_IORMPLAN
         objective:              off
         status:                 active
cellcli> alter iormplan objective='balanced'
-- {balanced | off | low_latency | high_throughput | auto}
-- interdatabase Plane Example
cellcli> alter iormplan dbplan =((name=sales_prod, level=1, allocation=80),
                                                (name=finance_prod, level=1, allocation=20),
                                                (name=sales_dev, level=2, allocation=100),
                                                (name=sales_test, level=3, allocation=50),
                                                (name=other, level=3, allocation=50)
-- interdatabase Plane and Database Role
cellcli> alter iormplan dbplan =((name=sales1, level=1, allocation=30, role=primary),
                                                (name=sales2, level=1, allocation=35, role=primary),
                                                (name=sales3, level=2, allocation=20, role=standby),
                                                (name=sales4, level=2, allocation=25, role=standby),
                                                (name=other, level=3, allocation=50)
-- Flash Memory usage
cellcli> alter iormplan dbplan =((name=oltp, level=1, allocation=80, flashCache=on, flashLog=on),
                                                (name=dss, level=1, allocation=20 limit=50, flashCache=off, flashLog=on),
                                                (name=other, level=2, allocation=100, flashCache=off, flashLog=off),
-- catplan usage
        catplan=((name=INTERACTIVE, level=1, allocation=60),
                         (name=BATCH, level=1, allocation=40)
-- Activation iormplan
cellcli> alter iormplan active

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